Sonoma County Vineyard

Monday, January 25, 2010

There's always something green...

When people ask me what I like best about wine country, I think about the stunning views, amazing wineries (and their wines), but always at the top of my list is the green that's seen year round.

No, I'm not talking about all the money being flaunted in Napa (and to a lesser extent in Sonoma).

I'm talking about how there is always something green to look at.

During the Winter months, the grasses on the hillsides and between the rows of vines grow like crazy. Later in the season the mustard with its green stalk is a beautiful addition.

As we transition into Spring, the leaves on the vines come alive and add stunning greenness to the topography. However, at the same time we start to see the hillsides and vineyard rows turn to a golden brown.

Summer arrives and the vines go crazy with the heat sending green chutes straight into the air. Sometimes, 4-5 feet above the vines.

As harvest approaches and the Autumn nights start to turn cooler, the vines transition into amazing golds, reds, yellows and browns. But the trees (often olive and oak) hang in there with their green colors until the grasses take over again.

So, when people ask when the best time to visit is, I always say "Right now!" Because there's never a bad time.

Here's hoping you get to experience all four seasons in wine country, but if you can't know that the most beautiful season is the one you visited in!

1 comment:

  1. Chris, you should advise readers not to read this during their work day. Now all I can think about is being out and about in wine country, enjoying the scenery! I can't wait for all the mustard to make an appearance- amazing.
