I'm a driving enthusiast. Of course, you wouldn't know it by my current vehicle, although it is the sports car of minivans. One of my past careers was in the car business. During that time, I was able to experience many great cars and some of them I was actually able to take out and drive - if you know what I mean. It was completely thrilling for me.
One of the things I love about Sonoma County is that almost all the roads are two-lane roads. In fact, there are only two roads I can only think of that have more than two lanes. Two-lane roads (like the one pictured below) just seem to say, "take it easy, roll the window down, enjoy the countryside" and so much more.
I feel a sense of nostalgia when I'm driving on these roads. It reminds me of a time when life moved at a slower pace, when people used to wave and smile at each other driving down the road. Not because they knew each other, but because it was the polite thing to do.
But today, things are different. If you're not going 5-10 miles per hour over the speed limit, there's someone tailgating you impatiently waiting for you to move over or looking for an opportunity to pass. I guess it's what we get with our instant gratification society.
Think about it, how often do you make a facebook posting and check back two minutes later to see if anyone responded? Or how many of you pace in front of the microwave? We want instant results. We want everything to go fast.
I admit I have my moments of impatience. Like when I'm driving in a 55 and the person in front of me is going 40. It's frustrating for sure. But most of the time I drive around with no music playing and the sunroof open - just taking in the sights and sounds.
This is stunningly beautiful country that we live in. When you're on a two-lane, take it slow, turn the music down and cell phone off (or at least on vibrate) and just enjoy. Maybe even wave or smile at people as you pass them. It just might change your whole perspective.
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